Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 17th

____ Numerical patterns pages C, D, and riddle time
Patterns and relationships video
_____ Multiply by powers of ten pages C, D, and riddle time
Multiply powers of 10

____  Read The Sailor  and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Hurricane Brewing and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read An Unpunctual Friendship and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Sioux and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Sometime this week read the THE MARATHON with a family member or friend and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response.

______ Read You switch we deliver and answer the questions. Highlight or underline your text evidence. Answer questions with a full sentence.

______ Complete Alabama through California

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