Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27th

_____ Area of quadrilaterals page
_____ Volume page
_____ Go back through each page of this packet and make sure everything is finished and your work is shown.

____  Read The Two Towers and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Discount Shopping and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read An Egyptian Wonder and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Farm Friends Forever and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

_____ Make sure science packet is complete

_____ North Dakota through Pennsylvania

_____ Complete Essay

Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 26th

Students and parents-
We know that there are a lot of questions about school now that we have learned May 1st is the planned return date.  Please know that we are working as a grade team, school and state to provide the best at-home education we can.  We know that these last couple of weeks have been incredibly difficult and uncertain.  But please be assured that we love our students and we will do all that we can to provide consistency, learning and support!

_____ Measurement conversion (metric) pages C, D, and gumballs
_____ Expanded form page
Expanded form with decimals video
_____ Compare and order decimals page
Comparing decimals video

____  Read Sneaky Sisters and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Summer Hobbies and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Colosseum and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read  A Place Called Home and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

_____ Read Inheritance of Traits and answer the questions. Highlight or underline your text evidence. Answer questions with a full sentence.
_____ Read Caiman Caper and answer the questions. Highlight or underline your text evidence. Answer questions with a full sentence.
_____ Read What is Heredity and What’s the big idea about genetics and then answer the questions. Highlight or underline your text evidence. Answer questions with a full sentence.

______ Complete New Hampshire through North Carolina 

_____Weathering and Erosion expository essay

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 25th

_____ Measurement comparison (metric) pages A and B (If you need help, the back of the cover of this packet has a help page)
_____ Measurement comparison (standard) pages C, D and jellybeans
_____ Measurement conversion (customary) pages C, D and bunnies
Conversions video

____  Read Reading Rodent and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Transformation and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Lady Liberty, a Gift from France  and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Worst Assginment Ever! and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

______ Read each mixture and solutions card. You may write on the card itself or answer on a separate piece of paper.

______ Minnesota through Nevada

______ Work on weekly essay (Make sure you look at writing updates in the entry below.)

Writing UPDATE

Writing Update
Hello Families,
I appreciate the time you are investing at home helping your child with at home learning!  I appreciate any time they are able to spend on writing.  I know some of you with multiple children in different grades are struggling.  Just do what you are able.  I know it is difficult, especially considering our current circumstances, and some children do not perform for their parents the same way they perform at school for teachers.

I sent an email earlier today regarding writing and the electronic lessons. With the problems some students are having accessing them, let’s just eliminate the lessons.  Students have done the bubble organizer on their own at school and should be able to re-create that at home, but to make learning at home easier for you and your student to manage, below is a checklist that might make the process easier.  It is not the same checklist we use at school, but considering the current circumstances, you probably have less time and energy at home than we have at school to do writing.  You can also contact me for a templet of the organizer used in class.

Five Paragraph Essay Checklist

1st Paragraph (introduction – at least three sentences)

Write a sentence introducing the topic of your essay 

Write a sentence stating the three ideas you will write about in your essay. 

Write a “hook” to keep your reader interested.

2nd Paragraph (the first of the three ideas you are writing about)

Write a main idea sentence that begins with a transition word – this is the first of the three ideas you stated in your first paragraph.

Write at least four elaboration sentences (you can do more, if you want)

3rd Paragraph (the second of the three ideas you are writing about)

Write a main idea sentence that begins with a transition word – this is the second of the three ideas you stated in your first paragraph.

Write at least four elaboration sentences (you can do more, if you want)

4th Paragraph (the third of the three ideas you are writing about)

Write a main idea sentence that begins with a transition word – this is the third of the three ideas you stated in your first paragraph.

Write at least four elaboration sentences (you can do more, if you want)

5th Paragraph (conclusion)

Write a sentence that restates the topic of your essay.

Write a sentence that restates the three main ideas you wrote about in your essay 

Write a sentence that neatly and nicely wraps up your essay.


I indented all of my paragraphs

I started my sentences with proper capitalization and used proper capitalization throughout my essay

I correctly punctuated all of my sentences and used commas and quotation marks when needed

I have few or no spelling errors

All of my sentences make sense

I had a someone else read it

The essay DOES NOT include: Thank you for reading my essay, thank you for your time, The End, slang words, emoji’s, excessive use of exclamation marks, words in all capital letters, and other words or items we discussed in class that you shouldn’t use. 

Best wishes, 
Mrs. Bacoch

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 24th

_____ Polygon classification pages A and B
_____ Triangle classification pages A, B and coloring page
Triangle classification video
_____ Quadrilateral classification pages C and D
Quadrilateral classification video

____  Read The Orange Tabby Cat  and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Emoji Fever and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Spider Web and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Dreams to Action and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

______ Read Constructive & Destructive Forces and answer the question. Highlight or underline your text evidence. Answer with a full sentence.
______ Read Landforms. Answer the questions, complete the fill in the blanks page and the circle the correct spelling page.

______ Louisiana through Michigan

Encouraging note for students!

Hey 5th graders!  We just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know that we are thinking of you.  We know that the last week has been a pretty crazy one, but we are here for you.  We understand that doing a day’s worth of school work at home is not easy, but you can do it!  Here are some pointers that may help the homeschooling go more smoothly:
·      Create a designated “learning spot” in your home
·      Make your own bell schedule using timers
·      Wake-up and go to bed at the same times you do on school nights
·      Create your own “reward system” to help you see your progress/successes

We hope you all are staying safe and healthy.  We care about you, we miss you and hope that your homeschooling goes well.  As for now, we’ll leave you with this funny thought…

Classroom rules—COVID-19 homeschool edition

Rule 1:  Follow directions quickly
            Wash your hands so you don’t get sickly

Rule 2:  Raise your hand for permission to speak
            If you’re out of tp, hey, don’t freak

Rule 3:  Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat
            Practice social distancing—stay apart 6 feet

Rule 4:  Make smart choices
            Clean ‘til your mom rejoices

Rule 5:  Keep your dear teacher happy
            Make sure parents get in a nappy

Take care,
The 5th grade teachers J

P.S.  Take a look to the right to see who got on honor roll for 3rd term!

Writing assignment for March 23rd-27th

Writing  for Week of March 23 -27

·      Please log into Utah Compose ( to complete these lessons. 
·      You don’t need to be logged into your Jefferson Student account to log into Utah Compose. 
·      Your username is three zeros followed by your SSID number. 
·      If you can’t remember your password, need help or feedback, or have any questions, please email (, I’ll be available during regular school hours Monday through Friday. 
·      If you do not have computer access, the prompts and supplemental materials are attached.
·      If you would like extra credit, please complete a five paragraph essay on any of the other prompts on Utah Compose.  If you have difficulty logging in or forgot your username and password, or have any questions, please email Mrs. Bacoch

Marth 23rd  – 27th 
Log into Utah Compose, click on the Lessons Tab at the top of the page, and complete the following lessons:
·      Pronoun Agreement
·      Quotation Marks
·      Specific Rules for Capitalization
·      Punctuation Set 1
·      Punctuation Set 2

Then, begin working on your Weathering and Erosion expository essay:

Prompt: Earth's surface is always changing. Weathering and erosion are two forces that shape the surface of the Earth. Explain what weathering is, explain what erosion is. Explain how weathering and erosion change the Earth's surface.

·      Read the provided supplementary materials on Weathering and Erosion
·      Create a graphic organizer (bubble sheet we use in class)
·      Use Utah Compose to type at least a five paragraph essay using the format that we have discussed in class.  If you don’t have computer access, write your essay by hand – be prepared to hand in at least a rough draft and a final draft if you write it by hand.  
·      Your first paragraph needs at least three sentences, your second, third and fourth paragraph need at least 8 sentences, and your final paragraph needs at least three sentences. 
·      You will need to make any corrections suggested by Utah Compose (spelling, grammar, etc.) and score at least a 22 on the essay.

March 23rd

_____ Multiply decimals pages C and D
_____ Dividing decimals pages C and D
_____ Graphs and ordered pairs pages C and D (these pages are copied twice, you only have to complete them once)

_____ Line plots pages C, D and create a line plot

____  Read The Ballerina  and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Skydive and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read  Crying Baby and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read  Dad’s Mustache and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Sometime this week read the BAD BULLY with a family member or friend and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

_____ Complete Hawaii through Kentucky


Friday, March 20, 2020

Time at home = time at school

Alright 5th graders....some of y'all are already giving your parents a tough time about the amount of work you're having to do.  But listen up, yo:

School is on a “soft closure”, which means teachers were asked to provide curriculum that would mirror the work and time that is spent at school. Since missed days will not need to be made up during the summer, you are expected to spend about the same amount of time at home on work as you do in school (minus time for lunch, recess, etc.) So, here is the breakdown of our day and how many hours we are learning.
8:35-10:00 Math
10:05-10:35 1st Rotation 
11:20-12:20 Reading/Language Arts
12:25-12:55 2nd Rotation
2:00-2:30 3rd Rotation
2:30-2:55 Computers (Imagine Math)
Rotations include writing, science and history
                *Please note, homework and reading minutes are not included

In good to your parents.  Okey dokey?

Survey of your math class....

Hey students, one of your math pages with ask for information on a class survey.  Here's the numbers you can use:

Eve: 7
Kate:  5
Justin: 8
Adam: 6
Ryan: 5
Mary: 8
Kiley:  3
Lucas: 4
Connor: 4

March 20th, Happy Friday!

_____ Comparing decimals pages C and D
_____ Rounding decimals pages C, D and rounding decimals chart
_____ Add and subtract decimals page C
Add and subtract decimals video

____  Read Leonardo DA Vinci and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 
 ____  Read A Pirate’s Life and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 
___  Read Little Sister and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 
 ____  Read Milk Splat! and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

_____Finish Essay

Spend time catching up 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19th

_____ Dividing by 1 & 2-digit divisors pages C, D and riddle time
Long division 1-digit divisors video
_____ Read and write whole numbers & decimals pages C, D and number form match up
Expanded form video

____  Read The Worst Trip Ever and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Austin Finds a Home and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Cat and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Danny’s Cleaning Crew and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

______ Read each physical property card. You may answer in the little bit of space on the card or write on another sheet of paper

______Hawaii through Kansas

_____Be sure to follow March 17th-20th guidelines

If you're happy and you know it, wash your hands

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

History clarification

To the right are various helpful links.  
One of them is a location to find state facts:
As clarification, state facts are to be done over the next couple of weeks.  That means you should be doing about 5-7 each day.

Part of our curriculum...

Part of our curriculum...and now part of your history!
Here's a link to spark your memory about earthquake science:

March 18th

We realize some of you are behind because you had to wait until today to get your packet.  Just do your best to catch up.  You can do it!

_____ Multiply whole numbers pages C, D and riddle time
_____ Dividing by powers of 10 pages C, D
Dividing by powers of ten video

____  Read The Train Ride Home and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Test Taking Blues and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Eiffel Tower and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Iron Lady and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

______ Read Field of Attraction and answer the questions. Highlight or underline your text evidence. Answer questions with a full sentence.

_____ Complete Colorado through Georgia

Writing- March 17th-20th

Log into Utah Compose, click on the Lessons Tab at the top of the page, and complete the following lessons:
·      Improving Essays with Transitions
·      Weak to Strong Organization
·      Appositives
·      Adding Variety to Your Sentences
·      How to Fix a Fragment

Then, begin working on your Matter Here, Matter There, Matter Everywhere expository essay.

Prompt: Everything is made up of matter. Please open the resources to learn more about matter. In a five-paragraph essay explain the law of conservation of mass, as well as the changes that can happen to matter.

·      Read the provided supplementary materials on Matter
·      Create a graphic organizer (bubble sheet we use in class)
·      Use Utah Compose to type at least a five paragraph essay using the format that we have discussed in class.  If you don’t have computer access, write your essay by hand – be prepared to hand in at least a rough draft and a final draft if you write it by hand.   
·      Your first paragraph needs at least three sentences, your second, third and fourth paragraph need at least 8 sentences, and your final paragraph needs at least three sentences. 
·      You will need to make any corrections suggested by Utah Compose (spelling, grammar, etc.) and score at least a 22 on the essay.

March 17th

____ Numerical patterns pages C, D, and riddle time
Patterns and relationships video
_____ Multiply by powers of ten pages C, D, and riddle time
Multiply powers of 10

____  Read The Sailor  and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read Hurricane Brewing and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read An Unpunctual Friendship and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Read The Sioux and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response. 

____  Sometime this week read the THE MARATHON with a family member or friend and answer the questions that follow.  Complete the reflection page by writing at least a one paragraph (five sentence) response.

______ Read You switch we deliver and answer the questions. Highlight or underline your text evidence. Answer questions with a full sentence.

______ Complete Alabama through California