Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday, April 8th

*Remember that you can Zoom with your math teacher tomorrow at 10:30.  Your parents will have received the invitation from your math teacher last week.

Lesson 91 – Geometric Formulas (pg. 474)
·      Read over the lesson and/or watch the YouTube video.

·      Complete the Power-Up.  If you are struggling with problem solving, move on and save it to do after the lesson.

·      Lesson 91:  Practice Set: A through C
·      Written Practice: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
·      20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30

·      Imagine Learning Math: 15 minutes

Lesson 90
·      Read over the lesson and/or watch the YouTube video.
·      L. 90 page 589 a-l, 1-8
·      15 minutes Imagine Learning Math

Lesson 83
Read over the lesson and/or watch the YouTube video.  

·      L. 83 page 542 a-m, 1-7
·      15 minutes Imagine Learning Math

·      Adverbs (pg. 25)
·      Read the “Gold Rush “and “Boomtowns” passages.  Then answer the 7 comprehension questions
·      Adverbs (pg. 25)
·      Read the “Gold Rush “and “Boomtowns” passages.  Then answer the 7 comprehension questions
·      Adverbs (pg. 289)
·      Read the “Gold Rush “and “Boomtowns” passages.  Then answer the 7 comprehension questions
·      Write two paragraphs (on the given page) about successful people during the Gold Rush.  Make sure to use evidence from the texts, capitals, punctuation and proper grammar

·      Log into Utah Compose and choose select the prompt:  “Quarantine Buddies.”
·      Begin typing your rough draft of your five paragraph essay using the format that we have discussed in class. 
·      Your first paragraph needs at least three sentences, your second, third and fourth paragraph needs five or more sentences, and your final paragraph needs at least three sentences. 
·      You will need to make any corrections suggested by Utah Compose (spelling, grammar, etc.).

·      Science/engineering project

·      Washington through Wyoming

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